Kwik+ Parcel Delivery Cancellation Policy

Thank you for using Kwik+'s parcel pick-up & delivery service. We understand that circumstances may change, and you may need to cancel your order request. Here's our cancellation policy:

Cancellation Window

You can cancel your international delivery request at any time before it has been handed over to the KWIKR. Once parcel is handed over to the KWIKR, you can cancel the delivery request, but 20% cancellation fees will be applicable before 4 hrs. flight departure, and the parcel can be collected from the same place/address, where the parcel was dropped. After flight departure, there is no refund is applicable.

Cancellation Process

To cancel your parcel delivery request, please follow these steps:
  • Open the Kwik+ app and navigate to the parcel delivery section.
  • Find the delivery order request you wish to cancel.
  • Tap on the cancellation option and follow the prompts to confirm the cancellation.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please don't hesitate to contact Kwik+ support:

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