Cancelled Orders (Delivery / Pick Up) : If your Order is cancelled by the KWIKR for any reason, you are eligible for 100% refund.
Overcharged : If you believe you were over charged for your Delivery , please contact KWIK+ Customer Support Team to request a delivery charges adjustments and if refund applicable.
Service Issues: If you experience issues with your order, such as a significant delay or other service-related problems, you may contact KWIK+ Customer Support Team to resolve the matter.
To request a refund, please contact KWIK+ Customer Support Team through the App or Website. Provide details about the issue with your order, including the date, time, and location with your order details, as well as any relevant information about the problem you encountered.
Our KWIK+ Customer Support Team will review your request and determine if a refund is appropriate based on KWIK+'s refund policy.
If your refund request is approved, the refund will be issued to your original method of payment. Please note that the time it takes for the refund to appear in your account may vary depending on your payment provider.
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Thank you for using Kwik+'s international parcel delivery service. We understand that circumstances may change, and you may need to cancel your order request. Here's our cancellation policy:
You can cancel your parcel international delivery request at any time before it has been handed over to the international traveller (KWIKR). Once parcel is handed over to the international traveller, you can cancel the delivery request, but 20% cancellation fees will be applicable, and the parcel can be collected from the same place/address, where the parcel was dropped.
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